In the play” A raisin in the sun” by Hansberry, the black family displays their stories of value about life, money and identity in society as a certain social class. In fact, these are sharp problems of value for […]
In the novella “Benito Cereno”, the author depicts the story from the perspective of Captain Delano starting with a series of confusion. In the end, Herman Melville gives the solution to the mystery that the […]
It is hard for me to think or write a narrative because I seldom read word novels. I watch dramas and movies mostly which is the person-displaying of novels(scripts). I find that in the plays, audiences are the […]
In Chapter 5 of Rhetoric, Poetics, and Poetry by Culler, Culler claims that there are four master tropes as rhetorical figures mostly used in poems that are metonymy. metaphor, synecdoche, and irony. Metaphor is […]
I get a clearer understanding of the relation between text and meaning through chapter 4 by Culler. Intention, text, context and reader‘s experiences are four major factors determining the meaning of a text a […]
Jonathan Culler discusses five aspects of the nature of literature in this chapter, in my opinion, the most interesting and useful nature of literature is “Literature as aesthetic object”. Before it learned about […]
According to “What is literature and does it matter” from chapter 2 written by Jonathan Culler, I have got a more profound insight into “what is literature”. I think that throughout the whole chapter, the most im […]
Hello, everyone! My name is Ling Zhang, I continue to follow Professor Fess this semester, I met Professor last semester and expected to spend a wonderful learning time with Professor face to face, unfortunately, […]