SAT. OCT 4, 2013
Karl Kraus, media criticism, and the digital age. With Jonathan Franzen and Clay Shirky. Moderated by Henry Finder.
1. At the start of class: Digital Humanities could be defined as the broad and fluctuating assortment of an amalgamation of all facets of the established humanities which are connected and/or mediated by […]
What I found interesting about Kirschenbaum”s article “The Book-Writing Machine” (aside from the window being removed and the weight of the computer) was the absurd amount of […]
King’s “Word Processor of the Gods” was an amusing read. It’s a bit dated (1983) but still holds captures what we all probably thought when our fingers touched keyboards… that the word processor could be […]
I also enjoyed Kathleen Fitzpatrick’s lecture on the future of scholarship and the challenges ahead. Not only is she a very passionate lecturer, she offered varying perceptions and trials ahead. Traditional peer […]
digital humanities — a field of research, teaching, and creation that couples the disciplines of the humanities with computational approaches. Digital humanities projects often use such […]