A group for CUNY faculty, staff, and graduate students interested in open access publishing for scholarly communication, open educational resources, and open teaching and scholarship. Group avatar includes the […]
A group for CUNY faculty, staff, and graduate students interested in open access publishing for scholarly communication, open educational resources, and open teaching and scholarship. Group avatar includes the […]
A meta-group for all of the Commons' group admins so that the CUNY Academic Commons team can share information and keep you updated about changes to the site (and especially the Group interface). This group will […]
A group for members of the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology. Group membership is limited to committee members. Group avatar by Don Solo.
This is a site created to inform CUNY staff and faculty about the Higher Education Executive Certificate Program in Educational Research at Baruch’s School of Public Affairs and to encourage the sharing of ideas a […]
Created for those involved in electronic books (e-books) and electronic book readers (e-readers) in CUNY libraries, this group serves as a digital meeting space to discuss the work being done on the individual […]
A standing committee reporting to the CUNY Committee on Academic Technology about the interplay of academic technology and libraries.
A place to list, discuss, understand, discover workarounds and hopefully resolve problems encountered with CUNY 1st implementation and deployment.
CUNY School of Law Sustainability Council has been created to guide and coordinate the Law School's efforts to become"greener" and engage in more sustainable practices. The Council consists of a diverse group […]