Feminist Philosophy, Ethics (Computer & Information Ethics, Bioethics), Social & Political Philosophy, Social Ontology, Philosophy of the Family, Philosophy of Education & Childhood
The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, N.Y. (2017)
Ph.D., Philosophy
Certificate in Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, N.Y. (2014)
M.Phil., Philosophy
“Weighing Identity in Procreative Decisions.” in Feminist Philosophy Quarterly, 9(3): Article 3. (2023)
“Who Guards the Gates? Feminist Methods of Scholarly Publishing.” Co-authored with Amanda Licastro (University of Pennsylvania) and Danica Savonick (SUNY Cortland). Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH) 3(3). (2023)
“Encouraging Critical Engagement with Course Readings Through Focused Reading Responses.” in Currents in Teaching and Learning, 13(2): 28-37. (2022)
“On What We Can Expect from One Another: Reciprocity in Families, Clubs, and Corporations.” in The Journal of Social Philosophy, 52(3): 310-327. (2021).
“Accountability and Community on the Internet: a Plea for Restorative Justice.” in The Journal of Applied Philosophy, 37(4): 594-611. (2020).
“What is a Family? Considerations on Purpose, Biology, and Sociality.” in Public Affairs Quarterly, 33(1): 65-88. (2019). (PDF)
“Are Children Capable of Collective Intentionality?” in Childhood and Philosophy, 13(27): 291-302 (2017).
“Childhood, Growth, and Dependency in Liberal Political Philosophy.” in Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 31(1): 156-170. (2016).
“On Hegel, Women, and the Foundation of Ethical Life: Why Gender Doesn’t Belong in the Family.” in CLIO: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, 44(1): 1-18. (2014).
Invited blog post, “The Motherhood Identity”, for the Blog of the American Philosophical Association Women in Philosophy section. (2024)