Check out my website (shared below) for updated information.
-Technology and the Body: Embodiment and Agency from Renaissance Humanism to Posthumanism
-Technology, Modernity, and Urbanism in East Asian Cities
-Performance and “the Public”: Participatory Aesthetics and Social Engagement
-Digital Humanities and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Ph.D. Theatre and Performance, The Graduate Center, CUNY, expected 2021.
Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program (in progress), expected Spring 2019. Final Project: “Performing Pedagogy, Engaging Technology.“
Critical Theory Certificate, 2017.
English Language and Literature, Korea University Graduate School, Seoul, South Korea.
Completed M.A. coursework in Modern English Literature with concentration of Modern Drama, 2013-15.
B.A. English Language and Literature, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2013.
Secondary School Teacher’s Certificate (English), South Korea.
Visiting student, Department of English and Theatre, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, UK, 2010-11.