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    EECE 350 - mathmethods Th435

    Thank you for a great semester. Please reply below with a link to your completed PAR assignment by December 16th. Thank you very much.

    Also, please complete the attached survey for this class.

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    EECE 350 - mathmathods Th910

    Thank you for a great semester. Please reply below with a link to your completed PAR assignment by December 16th. Thank you very much.

    Also, please complete the attached survey for this class.

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    EECE 350 - mathmethods W435

    Thank you for a great semester. Please reply below with a link to your completed PAR assignment by December 15th. Thank you very much.

    Also, please complete the attached survey for this class.

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    EECE 350 - mathmethods Th435

    Please submit by November 7th on our class website. 

    How will you engage in your statistical inquiry? What formative assessment(s) will you use?  

    When you gather your data, you will most likely use some fo […]

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    EECE 350 - mathmathods Th910

    Please submit by November 7th on our class website. 

    How will you engage in your statistical inquiry? What formative assessment(s) will you use?  

    When you gather your data, you will most likely use some fo […]

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    EECE 350 - mathmethods W435

    Please submit by November 6th on our class website. 

    How will you engage in your statistical inquiry? What formative assessment(s) will you use?  

    When you gather your data, you will most likely use some fo […]

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    EECE 350 - mathmathods Th910

    Please submit by October 31st on our class website. 

    Research your question.  What have others done to respond to this sort of problem? Use the resources from this course or any others that you have come a […]

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    EECE 350 - mathmethods W435

    Please submit by October 30th on our class website. 

    Research your question. 

    What have others done to respond to this sort of problem? Use the resources from this course or any others that you have com […]

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    EECE 350 - mathmethods Th435

    By Sunday, October 24th, please submit your Research Question and Justification on the website. You can respond to this post or attach a google doc.

    Here is a copy of my model for reference.

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    EECE 350 - mathmathods Th910

    By Sunday, October 24th, please submit your Research Question and Justification on the website. You can respond to this post or attach a google doc.

    Here is a copy of my model for reference.

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    EECE 350 - mathmethods W435

    By Saturday, October 23rd, please submit your Research Question and Justification on the website. You can respond to this post or attach a google doc.

    Here is a copy of my model for reference.

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    EECE 350 - mathmethods Th435

    By Sunday, October 17th, please respond to the post with:

    Your name and the name of your group members.

    What operation that you all analyzed.

    Your notes on what each student did to answer the […]

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    EECE 350 - mathmathods Th910

    By Sunday, October 17th, please respond to the post with:

    Your name and the name of your group members.

    What operation that you all analyzed.

    Your notes on what each student did to answer the […]

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    EECE 350 - mathmethods W435

    By Saturday, October 16th, please respond to the post with:

    Your name and the name of your group members.

    What operation that you all analyzed.

    Your notes on what each student did to answer the […]

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    EECE 350 - mathmethods Th435

    Next week, October 14th, we will meet synchronously again!

    Please submit your STUDENT INTERVIEW by October 13th to this post.

    Complete your week 6 task, but you do not submit it.

    Also, instead of the […]

  • Profile Photo

    EECE 350 - mathmathods Th910

    Next week, October 14th, we will meet synchronously again!

    Please submit your STUDENT INTERVIEW by October 13th to this post.

    Complete your week 6 task, but you do not submit it.

    Also, instead of the […]

  • Profile Photo

    EECE 350 - mathmethods W435

    Next week, October 13th, we will meet synchronously again!

    Please submit your STUDENT INTERVIEW by October 13th to this post.

    Complete your week 6 task, but you do not submit it.

    Also, instead of the […]

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    EECE 350 - mathmethods Th435

    Due by October 7th:


    SUBMIT: Week 6 Asynchronous Assignment

    (sorry for the delay in this post, the week got away from me with a new baby… 🙂 )

  • Profile Photo

    EECE 350 - mathmathods Th910

    Due by October 7th:


    SUBMIT: Week 6 Asynchronous Assignment

    (sorry for the delay in this post, the week got away from me with a new baby… 🙂 )

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