I am a Ph.D. candidate in music theory at the Graduate Center, CUNY. I hold a B.Mus and B.Ed from the University of Manitoba and an MA in music theory from the UBC. Currently, I teach music theory at Hunter College.
Doctor of Philosophy, Music Theory (ABD) Projected Completion: April 2022
The Graduate Center, CUNY New York, NY
Dissertation: “Experiencing Sonic Change: Acoustic Properties as a Form- and Meter-Bearing Elements in Popular Music Vocals”
Supervisor: Johanna Devaney; First Reader: Mark Spicer
Abstract: Using acoustic measurements, I examine the interaction of sound qualities, including loudness, pitch, brightness, and noisiness, and how these can affect our experience of form and rhythm and meter. As a demonstration of the methodology, I examine the individual sounds of Tanya Tagaq’s katajjaq (throat singing), situating them on continua of relative values that allows for a nuanced comparison of their acoustic properties. In other chapters, I study changes in the sound qualities of select vocal songs, including those from Tanya Tagaq, Top 40 popular songs, and recent mainstream country music, comparing the changes in acoustic properties to my preconceived understanding of the form and meter of the songs, expanding the parameters that are generally understood to contribute to our experience of form and rhythm and meter.
Master of Arts, Music Theory Degree Granted: May 2016
University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC
Thesis: “Hearing Meter from Different Angles: Interactive Vocal Meter and Hypermeter in Selected Songs and their Covers”
Supervisor: Richard Kurth; First Reader: John Roeder
Bachelor of Music Degree Granted: May 2013
University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB
Bachelor of Education Degree Granted: May 2013
University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB
*indicates by invitation
*In press. “The Continua of Sound Qualities for Tanya Tagaq’s Katajjaq Sounds.” In Trends in World Music Analysis, vol. 1. Edited by Noé Dinnerstein, Sam Mukherji and Lawrence Shuster. Routledge.
2016. “Minimalism Meets Gamelan: An Analysis of Diana Blom and Emma Stacker’s Gong Agong (2006).” Malaysian Music Journal 4(2): 20–36.
“The Vocal Backbeat as a Text Painting Device in Recent Mainstream Country Music”
“Form as Timbre: Tracking the Form of Tanya Tagaq’s ‘Ilunikavi’ through Timbral Changes”
“The Acoustic Properties of Tanya Tagaq’s Vocal Sounds as Situated on Timbral Continua”
Roundtable: Analysis and Decolonization
“A Set of Continua for the Acoustic Properties of Tanya Tagaq’s Katajjaq Sounds”
“Phenomenal Accents, Meter, and the Vocal Backbeat in Country Music from 2000-2019”
“Exploring Reconciliation in Canadian Art Music Featuring Tanya Tagaq”
“Reconciliation in the Finale of Christos Hatzis’ Going Home Star (2014)”
“Moving Beyond Cultural Appropriation: Reconciliation in the Finale of Christos Hatzis’ Going Home Star (2014)”
“It Ain’t Your Mama’s Country: Vocal Backbeat in Contemporary Country Music”
“Feeling the Backbeat: Vocal Backbeat in Contemporary Country Music”
“Representations and Narratives of Stuttering in Popular Song from 1965 to Present”
“A Flexible Conception of Meter in Pacific Northwest Coast Aboriginal Music”
MA in Liberal Studies Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY 2021–present
Advising Fellow
Hunter College, CUNY
Instructor of Record 2017–present
Music Department, The Graduate Center, CUNY 2020–2021
Senior Teaching Fellow
University of British Columbia Tutor Summer 2015
Course: Music Fundamentals Preparatory Course (non-credit summer course)
Teaching Assistant (grader) 2013–2015
Courses: First Principles of Musical Form; Diatonic Harmony & Voice Leading
Teaching Assistant (instructor) 2014
Course: Musicianship I: Introduction to Aural Skills and Sight Singing
University of Manitoba Teaching Assistant (grader) 2009–2012
Courses: Music Theory 1–4 (Diatonic and Chromatic Harmony)