A private group for students and staff of the MA Program in Digital Humanities at The Graduate Center -- http://www.gc.cuny.edu/dh
A private group for students and staff of the MA Program in Digital Humanities at The Graduate Center -- http://www.gc.cuny.edu/dh
Commons Group to aid communication/distribute readings for DH 720
This is a group for the Spring 22 Digital Memories class community.
Course group for DHUM 70002 Digital Humanities: Methods and Practices, Spring 2021 (3 credits)
A private group for students enrolled in DH70000: Introduction to Digital Humanities (Fall 2020) at the CUNY Graduate Center -- Group avatar: "Colors & Shadows" by flickr user Evelyn Berg https://flic.kr/p/4H3Reo
This is a CUNY Academic Commons private group designed to accompany Fall 2021 MA in DH 72700 and ENGL 86800 taught by Duncan Faherty and Lisa Rhody.