A group for sharing anti-racist projects, events, and community across the 25-campus City University system group avatar by cool revolution on flickr https://flic.kr/p/J4GcVd
Member's groups
The CUNY Peer Leaders is a community-based program that supports CUNY undergraduate students’ scholarship and creative work in the Humanities and supports them in developing leadership skills to implement within t […]
A group for all faculty teaching courses on the Commons
A group devoted to making education open, accessible, and public through the use of open-source tools and non-proprietary software platforms. Group avatar by akashgoyal
The Futures Initiative aims to advance greater equity and innovation in higher education. Housed at the Graduate Center and reaching throughout the CUNY community, the Futures Initiative empowers the next […]
This group is a shared space for Graduate Center Music Students and Professors to share resources. The files are divided into different categories, including a syllabi share, exam prep materials, and professional […]
Preparing for Fall 2020 courses at the GC
Communication group for Digital Memories class, Spring 23 (M.A. in Digital Humanities)
tuesdays 215 to 4 And permanent Zoom link: https://gc-cuny.zoom.us/j/5406553898?pwd=TTlZK3FLTUQ2MkxYUmRJS0dxTmdxdz09