Tenure creates lifelong contracts that prevent schools from adapting to new trends. When a tenured teachers gets hired for a position in a school they immediately gains this sort of protection which doesn’t a […]
Tenure has, over the years, turned out to be a limitation factor which deprives students from receiving a proper education. In fact, the value of tenure has decreased when it comes to its credibility and purpose, […]
Over a million children have risked their lives trying to reach the United States. Although many make it across the Mexican border not all have the same luck. Those that cannot cross have to return to the lifestyle of violence and poverty that they tried so hard to flee. We should take into consideration that these children are forced to go back…[Read more]
In this article, Moss classifies gentrification that is occurring in New York as hyper-gentrification. He defines it as the change that comes from city government in collaboration with large corporations. Th […]
Veterans in “Veterans Face Greater Risks Amid Opioid Crisis” and “A Growing Number Of Veterans Struggles To Quit Powerful Painkillers” say they use opioid as a way to cope with their chronic pain which in the lon […]
The Opioid epidemic has been proven to be the worst drug crisis in history. According to the Jennifer Medina(2017) from the article Inside a Killer Drug Epidemic(p. 6), “All of us have some real impulse co […]
In chapter 13 of the excerpt Chasing the Dream, the author begins talking about an experiment he had seen being conducted on rats which to him at first seemed “intriguing” but he is able to experience on his own […]
The link above is going to take you to an article which will probably change your perceptive on drugs. In this article he addresses the posibility that the drug propranolol can decrease the fear a person may […]
In Jamila Lyiscott’s: 3 ways to speak English she is trying to make a point by stating that she is ” articulate” . She says she is “a tri-lingual orator” because she has different ways of speaking in a cl […]
I strongly believe empathy and writing have a lot more in common than people give it credit for. To understand empathy you have to think outside the box and be able to explore other perspectives. For example, […]