My overall experience of my website Well well well, it’s good to be back here sorry I haven’t blogged in two weeks I had a lot going on BUT! BOY I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU […]
Picking A Domain Name! 5 – 10 domain names?! I don’t know about 10 but 5 ehh ill think of something, my brain needs to wake up. So many names to think, I’m […]
Mid-Semester Reflection Alright! Let’s reflect what we learned from the past 7 and a half weeks of class 🙂 I am doing great in CT101 mainly because I’m […]
Are Memes Art? I would think memes are art and I will prove with these links that they are art! 😁 Well well well, these links have proof that memes ar […]
First day of CT101 Today was the first day of CT101 in person and honestly being here in person for this class I felt: (Yes I am gonna keep using Quby […]
Hi my name is Justin Torres, I am an upper junior and my major is Communication Technology (CT)! I don’t have a favorite movie but my activities I usually play video games on my free time, go outside to venture […]