Hi Everyone. I’m in the Classics program at the GC. I first got involved with digital projects and digital humanities through the ITP Certificate Program and then through the NML. My first on-going project is […]
A propos of our discussion last night, Dr. Michio Kaku, award-winning Theoretical Physicist at City College, discusses the future with DemocracyNow!’s host Amy Goodman.
Jennifer, thanks for this post. I agree with much of what you have said, and Prof. Stein as well. Is there any background information given to help interpret the “data” shown? E.g. What grade level teachers? How long have they been teaching? Age of teachers? What is meant by “technology” or “classroom magazine and books […]
Hi Everyone, I am in the PhD Program in Classics at the Graduate Center. My scholarly interests include Latin poetry, poetics, personification, reception studies, and instructional technology and pedagogy as it relates to Classics. Previously, I received my BA in Classics and History from the University of Pittsburgh, Phi Beta Kappa. During my…[Read more]