There are three types of experimental designs: experimental, pre-experimental and quasi. An experimental design consist of random participants constructed into randomly assigned groups in order to test the effects […]
After reading The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, I began to question how genuine the story was because of how unique the situation sounded and how it was handled. Dr. P was given the ability to see with his […]
I also agree with your hypothesis. I had the same ones. I also based my logic’ off the results of the original Stroop test. Unfortunately, while skimming the data, it seemed that besides myself, many […]
According to Stroop article we read in class, experiment one suggested that it took a little more time for participants to read the words in color and on colored paper as opposed to black ink. Although those […]
A hypothesis I am testing is: The more conscientious a person is, the higher their academic achievement (measured by GPA). I believe these conscientiousness is linked with academic achievement because when someone […]
I believe you outlined the advantages of a within-subject design very well. I also wanted to point out that the reduction of Type II Error also makes the study more significant; therefore, a highly […]
Although the within-subject design may have several limitations such as participants with demand characteristics, there are still many advantages it serves as well. For one, depending on the study, a certain […]
7.) This question is fine, but I believe there should be a question after this if the answer is yes. I believe the mode of how someone takes notes also affects their learning style (hand-written, laptop, […]
I love how you connected both of your hypotheses as they both reference “danger.” That should be interesting to see how they also relate in circumstances as well. I believe it’s a strong idea because […]
For this study, my two hypotheses are: squirrels climb more in the summer than the winter and squirrels tail flick more in the summer than the winter. For my first hypothesis, squirrels climb more in the summer […]
I found your article very interesting! I know someone who had epilepsy as a child, who naturally outgrew this disorder, but has a hard time remembering things from the past. It’s sad to see how much […]
PTSD is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which is a disorder caused by prior horrific experiences which people have difficulty getting over. In the article, “Pregnant women with PTSD have higher levels of stress […]
I found your point about ethics to be quite interesting especially since the majority of our class agreed with the concept that science must be deemed ethical in order for it to be valid. I like how […]
Science is the outcome of using the scientific method to find results. It is the pattern of cause and effect. From my perspective, science is for knowledge purposes. The knowledge that is gained from science and […]