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    Arab Stages

    A Dramatic Anticipation of the Arab Spring
    and a Dramatic Reflection Upon It
    by Eiman Tunsi
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications
    This study ai […]

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    Arab Stages

    The Arab Theatre Festival (7th Session) by Jaouad Radouani
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications
    The Arab Theatre Festival is an annual event or […]

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    Arab Stages

    Lost Kingdom by Hassan Abdulrazzak
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications
    SCENE 1
    December 2003. Phoenix, Arizona. GEORGE PIRO (30s), Leb […]

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    Arab Stages

    A short play by Hannah Khalil
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications
    If you wish to perform this piece or an extract of it, please co […]

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    Arab Stages

    Tawfik al-Hakim and
    The Social Responsibility of the Artist
    by Majeed Mohammed Midhin
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications
    In a short piece wr […]

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    Arab Stages

    Picking Up The Scent by Yussef El Guindi
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications
    If interested in producing the work, kindly contact:
    Leah Ha […]

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    Arab Stages

    Science Fiction in the Arab World:
    Tawfiq al-Hakim’s
    Voyage to Tomorrow (Rihlatun ilal-ghad)
    by Bhargav Rani
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publ […]

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    Arab Stages

    Ritual and Myth
    in Dalia Basiouny’s The Magic of Borolus
    by Amal Aly Mazhar
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications
    In the aftermath of the Janu […]

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    Arab Stages

    Junun: Poetics in the Discourse of Protest and Love
    by Rafika Zahrouni
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications
    When we think about the script of Fa […]

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    Arab Stages

    Staging the Self:
    Autobiography in
    the Theatre of Sa’dallah Wannous
    by Ali Souleman
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications
    The author ac […]

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    Arab Stages

    Rania Khalil’s Flag Piece Description
    by Dalia Basiouny and Marvin Carlson
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications
    This description of  Flag Pie […]

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    Arab Stages

    Excerpts from
    Jihad against Violence: Oh ISIS Up Yours!
    by Fawzia Afzal-Khan
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications
    Jihad Against Violence: Oh IS […]

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    Arab Stages

    Alternative Dramaturgy for
    Jihad Against Violence: Oh ISIS Up Yours!
    Fawzia Afzal-Khan, Nesrin Alrefaai,
    and Katherine Mezur
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Th […]

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    Arab Stages

    Four Plays from the ReOrient Festival 2015
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications
    Arab Stages is delighted to report that, thanks to the ge […]

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    Arab Stages

    The House by Tala Manassah & Mona Mansour
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications

    Lights come up on KAMAL, 60s, very intelligent, chubby, kind. He […]

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    Arab Stages

    Edward Ziter’s Political Performance in Syria:
    From the Six-Day War to the Syrian Uprising
    A Book Review
    by Safi Mahmoud Mahfouz
    Political Performance in Syria:
    From the Six-Day War to the Syrian […]

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    Arab Stages

    The Revolt of the Young: Essays by Tawfīq al-Hakim
    The Gap Between Generations
    A Book Review by Michael Malek Najjar
    Translated from Arabic by Mona Radwan
    Foreword by Roger Allen
    Syracuse University Press, […]

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    Arab Stages

    Silk Road Solos: A Three-Thread Performative Stitch
    by Jamil Khoury
    Founding Artistic Director, Silk Road Rising

    For years we at Silk Road Rising have been contemplating a special commitment to solo […]

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    Arab Stages

    Resources for Research, Writing/Publishing, Teaching, & Performing Arts
    Compiled by Kate Wilson
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Pub […]

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    Arab Stages

    France’s Théâtre d’al-Assifa:
    An Arab-based Alternative Theatre Model
    by Magdi Youssef
    Arab Stages, Volume 1, Number 2 (Spring 2015)
    ©2015 by Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications

    This paper has be […]

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