CT101 Final Blog Post – Joshua Goodman CT101 Final Blog Post The time has come everyone… again. That may sound familiar to those who read my Mid Semester Blog post, where I […]
Assignment 9 – Domain Name Registration Assignment 9 – Domain Name Registration The time has come…and gone…but NOW we’re going to to talk about it. Registering a domain name […]
This is so cool! I was actually taught ballroom dancing in elementary school and one of the dances we learned was the Merengue, it’s kind of addictive moving your hips to the music
I’m actually in the process of watching Naruto right now and seeing him while scrolling through these older posts is so nice. Also, I love ramen, put some beef on the side and a nice broth…devoured.
I think you did a great job answering all of the questions in the original assignment and like you, I’ve learned a lot about designing and writing blog posts.
I love Hercules, this movie changed my brain chemistry as a child and I always rewatch it every now and again. I think your second DS101 assignment was really cool.
Hey, I know it can be overwhelming I know all too well, but you seem like you’re doing a great job at managing everything! Keep going we’re almost there!
Assignment 7- Mid Semester Reflection Assignment 7- Mid Semester Reflection The time has come….the time we have all known was coming…time to reflect on your work in CT 101 so […]
Assignment 6- Digital Art Making Immediacy Digital Art Making Immediacy I’ll be honest…this assignment drained me. I have no idea why…but it probably had something to do with the […]
Assignment 5 – Project Flexibility Project Flexibility Hello again fellow CT-101-ians…(I know that’s not a word but just go with it). After reading the assignment and having […]
I never really played the game or bought the cards but I loved watching the show, I watched all of the episodes and even the sequel series that came after it. The nostalgia .