Well for me I would do more than you said but I dont the extravagant life that most choose after winning. I think they get broke easier and becomes a target for others. Well if you want to give me a little that […]
I can relate I did school right up to high school back in Jamaica and in elementary school we were often puniished or flogged for work not done correctly nad not knowing the lessons being taught. I hated the […]
My memmorable teacher is Mrs Foster my elementary school pricincipal. She was not just a pricipal, but a teacher, disciplinarian, choir director, mentor, an intellectual individual and the most feared person […]
I’m glad you enjoy your job and decided to settle with this career choice.I remember you wanted to do nursing as you didnt really was not into nutrition at some point in your undergradate studies and I always say […]
One of my lifetime goals is to become a dietician and work with patients making them feel good about themselves and helping them make lifestyle chances which will enhance their daily living and health. One of the […]
Why Choose This Career Path
Growing up I always like to be different, not having the same or doing the exact things as others. Majority of the person I knew were nurses, business personnel’s, electrical […]
My Passion
Passion is a love, desire for something that a person enjoys which makes them and others happy and I believe I have more than one passion. My passion is caring for others and making them feel […]