Its been real. Every good thing does come to an end. Sometimes the best part about a journey doesn’t lie in the destination, but in the reminiscence of the journey. I can never get over my initial reaction to […]
Hello Justin, great take! I like how you clearly defined the terms copyright and fair use. I also like how you presented that long winded question. Your answer to that question made me think about how copyright […]
Creative content. The latest list of things capitalism ruins. In this society, the rise of a plethora of creative content has given rise to copyrighting. Copyright is defined as a right provided to an […]
Its been quite a journey. It’s like it was yesterday when we started this class and all thought it was going to be a traditional class. I’m happy that we’re all in the process of building our websites. I e […]
I did it again. I made another blog post on my website. As aforementioned, my website will contain everything you’ve never learned in school about how to finance. This is in the context of stocks, saving money, […]
After much deliberation with myself, I’ve decided what I wanted my blog post to be about. My other 2 choices were for it to be about cars and about current events. Here are the reasons why I didn’t […]
Hello all, I still cant get used to the fact that we’re still in a Panasonic. Sorry, I mean a panini. Excuse me, what I really meant was a pandemic. Even with its drawbacks, I think online learning […]
Hey Omoniyi, I can totally relate! I also am a person that loves to turn in work as soon as I can. With this class I definitely saw that sometimes turning in work as quickly as you can isnt always the best. With […]
There are two main topics off the top of my head right now that I would love to revolve a website around. The first of which is about cars and the second of which is about the stock market. This would mean t […]
One thing I love is interactive assignments in which the only thing that limits me is my creativity. I love visual and auditory and visual things, such as music and pictures. Below is an assignment chosen from t […]
I love how you used emoji as a reference. I believe that Emoji’s are the earliest forms of memes. They embody human expression online. Memes are an evolved version of this and are more complex because of how […]
At this point, anyone who has a smartphone knows what a meme is. Memes are a means for instant comic relief. This comic relief can be random or it can relate to current events. Gone are the days where, if you […]
Hey Bazan, I can definitely relate to this. Out of the hundreds of courses available to use as a schedule filler, we stumbled upon CT-101. I think this class chose me too. I agree with the fact that the dynamic is […]
Hello once again to all. Honestly speaking when I signed up for CT101 the purpose was to use it as a class to fill out my schedule. I had no idea what the class was about nor what it entails. Also, the name […]
What makes me happy on the internet is seeing unprecedented events unfold in real time. In these last few weeks or so, Wall street has been in a frenzy, as hedge fund investors and reddit stock traders go h […]
Hello Anju, you seem like you’re very passionate about science. I am also a Senior at York College. I see that you don’t have a favorite movie. I don’t have a favorite movie either but I do have a favorite series […]
Hello all, my name is John Akinleye. I am a pre-medical Biology major. I am studying biology because I want to become a surgeon. I am a senior at York College and I will be graduating this year. I have many […]