Laying out the physical setting of a story is always highly recommended way to begin a paper of any sort. Pelias describes the physical setting of a college classroom from a professors point of view to introduce […]
When reading through The Academic Tourist by Ronald J. Pelias there was one section that stood out the most to me. Pelias (2003) speaks of the “… working relationships with the community but actually just […]
1. I am a son as well as a brother due to the fact that I have siblings and parents.
2. I am a writer because I write poems/stories
3. I believe all lives matter
4. I’ve been to 3 countries: USA, D.R, P.R
5. I […]
It would be ideal that we have a standard form of American English so we can have a clear reference to based our language on. If I were confused or in an argument with somebody on a pronunciation or spelling of a […]
When discussing children’s books, it is important as the author to fiddle with the mechanics of the text in order to better relate to your reader, which are the children. The mechanics of the text can be the […]
Diss tracks today can be viewed today as a method to gain popularity and “clout” due to mass amounts of people who enjoy conflict and aggression. What many rappers and fans do not understand is that many diss […]
The language of the people should reflect the language of the nation. Yet the language spoken the most is the language of the world. This is the debate in Jamaica today, what should be the official language of the […]
I was shocked to discover that a powerful figure such as Gandhi opposed the literacy movement because he viewed it as “western education,” I am interested in why a person as noble as Gandhi would oppose the idea […]
In our analyzes of “Huey P. Newton Hall for Political Action” we examined the issues and claims brought up by the Black and Puerto Rican community of CUNY students and the approach taken in order for their five […]
As a person who lives in America, I think I can speak from experience when I say that the American culture is certainly one of the strangest. Every interaction with another individual almost always requires small […]
In the second paragraph of page 45 in Chee’s “The Writing Life” Chee elaborates to reader how he learned from his friend that Chee had been accepted into a advanced literature class, yet Chee’s only real feeling […]