Disambiguating Punctuation in 30 Rock
Punctuation in The Big Bang Theory
Comma Splices in The Oatmeal
Spelling "a lot" in Hyperbole and a Half
Language Attitudes toward Phonological Assimilation of Loanwords in Life in Pieces
Steve Harvey Defends Descriptive Grammar and Demonstrates Code-Switching(1:43)
U.S. Dialect Quiz Map
Singular 'they' is Real from Motivated Grammar
Language is Separate from Thought from xkcd
Voiceless Labial Glides in Family Guy(0:52)
The Psychological Reality of the Content/Function Distinction in The Office
"Good Words" | The Psychological Reality of the Content/Function Distinction in Friends
Inflectional Morphemes | Linguist Llama
"Modern English" Quotative
Gradable or Complementary Adjective? in Big Bang Theory
Ambiguity in Wreck it Ralph
We, who? Ambiguity in the first-person plural pronounJack: We have an audition. Samantha: You and me? English does not distinguish between inclusive/exclusive first-person plural pronouns in Don’t Think Twice.
Pragmatics | The Cooperative Principle in Seinfeld:
Deixis (point of reference) in The New Yorker