I have been to the Greek Islands, and while Santorini is beautiful, I would reccomend Naxos instead. Both islands are part of the Greek chain, and have the beautiful beaches and culture, but Naxos is closer to […]
We seem to have similar interests and struggles. My suggestion for balance is to create a 48 hour day, as I am not able to accomplish enough in 24 hours it seems. As for advice, what I really do is I try to work […]
I can really relate to the part you wrote about traveling. I am very interested in traveling as well, and I also think it is important to give back. I would also know exactly what I would do~ lol.
I also think you should get this destination as your goal! NYC also has many options for adults to learn to swim. I know that the Town of Huntington used to give adult swimming lesson over the summer (I was an […]
What great goals! There is no reason for them to be elusive. You strike me as the type that, if you want it enough, will achieve these goals. Maybe not by next year, but eventually~
Your rendition of Monica and the “Monica’s” of the world made for an entertaining read. I agree with Diane that Monica glues the group together and that is a great role to have for the people in your life!