Jason W. Ellis is an Assistant Professor of English at the New York City College of Technology. Formerly, he was a Marion L. Brittain Fellow at the Georgia Institute of Technology where he taught English Composition, Technical Communication, and Science Fiction, and directed the Writing and Communication Program’s Digital Pedagogy Research and Development Lab (DevLab). He holds a Ph.D. in English from Kent State University, M.A. in Science Fiction Studies from the University of Liverpool, and B.S. in Science, Technology, and Culture from Georgia Tech. Most recently, he coedited The Postnational Fantasy: Postcolonialism, Cosmopolitics and Science Fiction (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011). His writing has appeared in scholarly and popular publications, including The Wellsian, Configurations, Science Fiction Studies, The Journal for the Fantastic in the Arts, and Locus. His research focuses on the intersection of digital technology and the human brain in 20th/21st-century American literature and popular culture.