James Biles

Assoc. Professor, CCNY and CUNY Graduate Center

Wayward Geographer, Associate Professor of International Studies, Sustainability, and Earth & Environmental Sciences at The City College of New York and the CUNY Graduate Center focusing on economic geography, development policy, and livelihoods, particularly in southern Mexico.

Academic Interests

Economic Geography
Latin America


Ph.D., M.A. Michigan State University


Assoc. Professor, International Studies and Sustainability, City College of New York
Assoc. Professor, Earth and Environmental Science, CUNY Graduate Center



J.J. Biles. (Under review). Making sense of the contradictions of social housing policy in Mexico: Conceptualizing really decent housing. Geographical Review.

J.J. Biles and D.S. Lemberg. A multi-scale analysis of urban warming in residential areas of a Latin American city: The case of Mérida, Mexico. Journal of Planning Education and Research.

J.J. Biles. Review of El Mall: The Spatial and Class Politics of Shopping Malls in Latin America, Journal of Latin American Geography 19, 3, 350-352.

R. Bein, R. Wilkie, W.G. Lovell, W. Doolittle, J.J. Biles, et al. Fifty Years of Fieldwork in Latin America. Journal of Latin American Geography 19, 1, 115-131.


J.J. Biles et al. Evaluation of NoBI Sureste Initiative and Proposed Entrepreneurship Projects. Final report to Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán and NoBI Sureste (Yucatán, Mexico).


J.J. Biles et al. Export-oriented development, the state and social capital: A case study of maquiladora production in Yucatán, Mexico, in M. Rice and T. Hernandez, eds. Location Intelligence Research and Applications. Applied Geography Conferences, Inc.

J.J. Biles. Políticas Torcidas: La Retórica de la Reindustrialización. La Jornada Maya 1, 146.

J.J. Biles. Guía Práctica para Análisis de Políticas Públicas en el Yucatán del Siglo XXI. La Jornada Maya 1, 132.


J.J. Biles et al. (2015) Análisis de Demanda y Oferta del Chile Habanero y Productos Derivados en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Mérida, México: Consejo de Ciencia, Innovación y Tecnología del Estado de Yucatán.

J.J. Biles. Redes globales de producción y políticas de desarrollo regional en Yucatán, México. Revista Ciudades 87, 24-30.
J.J. Biles. Chronicle of a debt foretold: Mexico’s FOBAPROA debacle and lessons for the U.S. financial crisis. Progress in Development Studies 10, 3, 261-266.

J.J. Biles. Review of Geo-Mexico: The Geography and Dynamics of Modern Mexico, Journal of Latin American Geography 9, 2, 171-172.

J.J. Biles and T. Lindley. Globalization, geography, and the liberation of overseas study. Journal of Geography 108, 3, 148-154.

G. Veeck and J.J. Biles. Geography, geographers, and study abroad. Journal of Geography 108, 3, 92-93.

J.J. Biles. Informal work in Latin America: Recent debates and competing perspectives. Geography Compass 3, 1, 214-236.

G. Veeck and J.J. Biles, eds. Geography, Geographers, and Study Abroad. Special issue: Journal of Geography 108, 3, 91-154.

J.J. Biles. Informal work and livelihoods in Mexico: Getting by or getting ahead? The Professional Geographer 60, 4, 541-555.

P. Marr, S. Drzyzga, G. Pomeroy and J.J. Biles. Economic and Transportation Impact of Warehousing on Rural Pennsylvania. Center for Rural Pennsylvania (available at:http://www.ruralpa.org/Warehousing_Report08.pdf).

J.J. Biles. Wal-Mart and the “supermarket revolution” in Mexico. Geographische Rundschau-International Edition 4, 2, 44-49.

J.J. Biles. Review of Regoverning Markets: A Place for Small-scale Producers in Modern Agrifood Chains?, Journal of Economic Geography 8, 1, 127-129.


J.J. Biles et al. Globalization of food retailing in southeastern Mexico: Transformation of supply networks and consequences for small-scale agricultural producers. Journal of Latin American Geography 6, 2, 55-75.

J.L. Scarpaci and J.J. Biles. Globalization and Latin American geography: linking scales of analysis. Journal of Latin American Geography 6, 2, 7-10.

J.L. Scarpaci and J.J. Biles, eds. Globalization and Latin American Geography. Special issue: Journal of Latin American Geography 6, 2, 1-167.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. OECD Territorial Reviews – Yucatán, Mexico. Paris: OECD.

J.J. Biles. Review of Spaces of Sustainability, Growth and Change 38, 4, 727-730.

J.J. Biles. El Estudio de la OCDE, Oportunidad para Yucatán, Editorial – La Revista Peninsular 18, 930


J.J. Biles.  Globalization of food retailing and the consequences of walmartization in Mexico, in S. Brunn, ed., Wal-Mart World: The World’s Biggest Corporation in the Global Economy. New York: Routledge (pp. 347-359).


J.J. Biles. Globalización del Sistema Bancario, Capital Social y Acceso a Recursos Financieros en América Latina. Memorias IV Taller Científico Internacional El Medio Rural en el Nuevo Milenio: Retos y Perspectivas. Havana, Cuba: Editora Geotech.

D.K. Munroe and J.J. Biles. Regional Science, in K. Kempf-Leonard, ed., The Encyclopedia of Social Measurement. San Diego: Academic Press (vol. 3, pp. 325-335).

J.J. Biles. Globalization of banking and local access to financial resources: a case study from southeastern Mexico. The Industrial Geographer 2, 2, 159-173.

J.J. Biles. Review of Political Ecology in a Yucatec Maya Community, Journal of Latin American Geography 6, 2, 133-134.

J.J. Biles. Export-oriented industrialization and regional development: a case study of maquiladora production in Yucatán, Mexico, Regional Studies 38, 5, 517-532.

J.J. Biles. Regional development and maquiladora production: the rapid rise and demise of the EOI strategy in Yucatán, Mexico. Revista Imes de Administração 60, 48-66.

J.J. Biles and D. Cobos. Natural disasters and their impact in Latin America, in J. Stoltman et al., eds., International Perspectives on Natural Disasters: Occurrence, Mitigation and Consequences. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers (pp. 281-302).


J.J. Biles. Using spatial econometric techniques to estimate spatial multipliers: an assessment of regional economic policy in Yucatán, Mexico, The Review of Regional Studies 33, 2, 121-141.


J.J. Biles, L. Robison and M. Siles. Export-oriented industrialization, the state, and social capital: A case study of maquiladora production in Yucatán, Mexico, Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 25, 157-165.


J.J. Biles and B.W. Pigozzi. The interaction of economic reforms, socio-economic structure and agriculture in Mexico, Growth and Change 31, 1, 3-20.