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    Fatima's FACS

    JBarnes commented on the post, Balancing Work and Family

    Shallah is the GURU of Queens College! lol.. Yes Fatima, it is good to meet people and to simply ask questions. You never know what information they have that can help you or something you may know that will help them. Pay it forward!

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    Janna's Writing Blog

    Cha-Ching!! Cha-Ching!! And the winner of this weeks Mega Millions is….. ME!!!  Can’t you just imagine?  How many of us have daydreamed about winning big??  For years, people have played the number putting all their hopes and dreams into that weeks jackpot! I have had several conversations with people joking about what I would do […]

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    JBarnes commented on the post, Hitting The Jackpot

    remember you and I having this conversation at the pizza shop near QC? I think you have a wonderful plan for your winnings. I don’t knw about giving to cousins and aunt and uncles though.. lol

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    JBarnes commented on the post, Balancing Work and Family

    wow! I thought I had a lot going on. I will never complain again. Forgive me! Knowing you these past years has definatley shown me that you truly have a passion for what you do. Whenever I talk you, you always have a great idea to pass along even with all the stuff you have […]

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    Janna's Writing Blog

    This year seemed to be a never ending whirlwind!  Every aspect of life was wrapped up with school & work!  Between working 2 jobs and attending Grad School, writing papers, observations, lessons, getting engaged and student teaching, I hardly found the time for myself, my family and friends, not to mention my relationship…Whew!  I can’t believe that it’s November and pretty […]

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    Janna's Writing Blog

    Last year at our professional conference at CW Post, Dr. Andrea Mosenson – THE GURU of FACS- introduced the phrase: Digital Natives.  Digital Natives are those that have grown up in the information & technology age and have a vast understanding of the concepts.   They are our new generation of students.  These kids are whizzes on computers, cellphones, ipods, ipads and […]

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    Janna's Writing Blog

    Elusive goal. hmmm..  When I think about this phrase, sooo many different things come to mind about my journey towards becoming a teacher.  The goal that stands out to me the most is the one thing that I believe was the hardest for me to achieve/overcome/fight for.. STUDENT TEACHING!!!  Putting your work life, social life, love […]

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    Janna's Writing Blog

    A memorable teacher from my student years is none other than Mrs. Angela Coleman.  Mrs. Coleman was my teacher and mentor when I was a member of a girls club called Sisterhood Agenda.  Mrs. Coleman is a Princeton Alumni and founded Sisterhood Agenda to empower young girls and women t make a difference in their life and […]

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    JBarnes commented on the post, A Book I Would Love to Write

    Wow! Sounds very interesting! Your book makes me think about my freshman year in my dormitory, Morrison Hall.. My roomate and I used to joke about ” What happens in Room 101 stays in Room 101!” Great choice! I would definately market this book in a college book store – JB

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    Janna's Writing Blog

     I am a true lover of autobiographies.  I have read the biographies of Josephine Baker, Audre Lourde, Maya Angelou, Sidney Poitier, Eleanor Roosevelt, Diahann Carol and many more people whom lives I find intriguing.  I find it very interesting to see life through another persons point of view.  Especially women.   I would love to write a book with a collection […]

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    JBarnes commented on the post, A Book I Would Love to Write

    LOVE this! Great idea.

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    JBarnes commented on the post, My Passions

    After reading this V, I feel like softball is one of your passions! You just had an experience with someone that dampened your spirit a little. Don’t let them take that from you. Just wait, one day when you’re a Coach, one of your players will think you rock! I bet that you’ll see the […]

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    Janna's Writing Blog

    I believe that passion is defined as that thing that you love to do, talk about, be around, sing about, or just simply enjoy.  In this life, most people can only find time to dabble in their passions in their spare time off from work or school.  However, some of us are part of that elite group that can work […]

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    sstevens and JBarnes are now friends
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    Janna's Writing Blog

    Every since I was a young girl, my parents always instilled the importance of community service and volunteering.  When I was in high school, I became a member of an organization called Sisterhood Agenda.  This organization was a rites of passage for teenage girls to spend time once a week volunteering in the community and […]

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    JBarnes commented on the post, Choosing a Career Path

    I think you were lucky to be able to explore all of the FACS classes that your school offered in high school. I think that sealed the deal for you as far as what kind of teacher you wanted to be. I didnt know that you did an independent study in gourmet foods. Very cool!

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