I believe what Krukowski means when he asserts to “the marginal-the rejected-the repressed” is that ultimately, the power of marginalization comes directly from the people. What some may consider insigni […]
What do you think about the ideas Krukowski lays out in this episode? Does he adequately describe the intimacies afforded by sound and the tradeoff digital sound presents? In your answer, please incorporate at […]
I agree cherilene. The soundscape of the city is where most people’s love for it lies. The multiculural experiences the city offers through sound alone can reflect on the city’s personality.
In episode two of his podcast, “Ways of Hearing”, Damon Krukowski explains how social interactions within spaces are becoming less accessible due to digital technology. Noting how earbuds and phones have dep […]
Throughout the years, many civil rights movements have sparked political action amongst many communities that have unequivocally changed how we view society as a whole. But recently, the media focus has been drawn […]
I highly agree with what you stated above, media should have a clearer balance between the positive and negative realities of life as a POC in America. This constant sitgma, portrays these beautiful communities in […]
According to Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein, writers should use the model of “entering the conversation” in their writing. What are the advantages of this model?
I like the fact that you said artwork makes us more focused on the details. Artwork is very intricate, and a single brush stroke or certain undertones can greatly influence how I view a piece of art. I had a very […]
I agree with how you say your thoughts and opinions need to interact with others. Very often us as students get tripped up and go off on a tangent about a certain topic and completely miss the part where you need […]
My name is Jose Jimenez, but majority of the time I go by Jay. I’m a freshman transfer student from The InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico and also a former US ARMY soldier! Currently, I […]
My name is Jose Jimenez, but majority of the time I go by Jay. I’m a freshman transfer student from The InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico and also a former US ARMY soldier! Currently, I […]