Research Interests: French and Francophone Literature and Philosophy Writing and archiving of the Self Francophone Caribbean Autobiography Creole Identity Politics of (Self)Identity Politics of Race Human Rights Translation Practicum and Theory (French – Creole – English) Haiti
French and Francophone Literature and Philosophy
Writing and Archiving of the Self
Francophone Caribbean Autobiography
Creole Identity
Politics of (Self)Identity
Politics of Race
Human Rights
Translation Practicum and Theory
Curator of the https://impunityhaiti.commons.gc.cuny.edu/Seminar
” Noir, Nègre et Négoce(s): Navigating Black Being Through The 70s. A reading of Le corps noir by Jean-Claude Charles “, Jean-Claude Charles: A Reader’s Guide, Editors: Martin Munro & Eliana Vãgãlãu, Liverpool University Press, 2022. Print.
” Bamboola Bamboche : un roman de Jean-Claude Charles et des autres “, Francofonia n° 80, Jean-Claude Charles, 1948 – 2008. La “voix fêlée, comme une hirondelle grippée”, Editors : Yves Chemla & Alba Pessini, Spring 2021. Print.
“Myriam Merlet” (Portrait). Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography, First Edition, Editor-in-chief: Franklin W. Knight and Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Oxford University Press, 2016, 3192p.
“Rhetoric of the Body and Tropes of Unreason in La Princesse de Clèves”, Fortune and Fatality, Performing the Tragic in Early Modern France, Desmond Hosford and Charles Wrightington, Eds. and Translators, pp. 118-132; Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008
Mémoire de Femmes (collaboration: Pierre-Richard Narcisse), Port-au-Prince: Unicef, 1997, 192p. Digitized version : http://jasminenarcisse.com/memoire/
Violences Exercées sur les Femmes en Haïti, Text Editing and Publishing, Port-au-Prince: Unicef, 1996, 119p.
Translation into Creole and Publishing of: Neptune Anglade, Mireille. La Femme Haïtienne en Chiffres/ Fanm Ayisyen an Chif, Port-au-Prince: Unicef, 1996, 111p.
Germaine ou Chercher la vie, Port-au-Prince: Unicef, 1993, 165p.
Member of the Organizing Committee of the Annual International Conference: Haiti & Africa, CUNY Haitian Studies Institute
Member of the Scientific Committee of The Haitian History Journal, 2022 – Present
Member of the Board of Directors of the AATF (American Association of Teachers of French) Metropolitan New York Chapter.
Chair of the Ad Hoc Diversity Committee of the Ph.D. Program in French. 2015 – 2016
Member of the Board of Directors of The Henri Peyre French Institute. 2014-present
Student Representative, The Graduate Center, CUNY: Ph.D. Program in French Executive Committee. 2007- 2009
Student Representative, The Graduate Center, CUNY: Ph.D. Program in French Curriculum Committee. 2006 – 2007
Member of the MA in Translation Committee, The Graduate Center CUNY: Ph.D. Program in French. 2006-2008
The Henri Peyre French Institute Travel Award. May 2015
Awarded Assistant to the Director of The Henri Peyre French Institute. 2012–2014
The Graduate Center Dissertation Year Fellowship. 2014–2015. CUNY
The Henry Peyre French Institute Award & CUNY University Fellowship. 2011–2014
CUNY Tuition Award. 2008-2009
CUNY Tuition Fellowship & Graduate Teaching Fellowship. 2004-2008
Curator of the seminar Impunity, Responsibility & Citizenship: HAITI for the Henri Peyre French Institute, The Graduate Center, CUNY, NY. 2013-present
Member of the Head Committee of the 2015 Symposium on
Haitian Creole and Culture: Theater in Haitian Creole: A space for engagement,
a tool for transformation. Brooklyn College and Medgar Evers College, October
30 – November 1st, 2015
Curator of the permanent Exhibit Portraits de douze femmes haïtiennes célèbres/ Ten Notable Haitian Women to be presented to the National Public Library of Haiti by S.E. Michaelle Jean, President of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF). Commissioned by OIF. June 2015
Animator of the Schools’ Creativity in a Fragile State: Lessons from Haiti workshop at the 2014 World Innovation Summit on Education (WISE 2014) in Doha, Qatar. November 2014
Coordinator of the reporter team at the De la dictature à la démocratie? Transition, mémoire, justice colloquium organized in Port-au-Prince, Haiti by the Ecole Normale Supérieure, State University of Haiti, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. June 2014
Curator of the seminar Haiti Rencontres for the Henri Peyre French Institute, The Graduate Center, CUNY, NY. 2012
Curator tor of the Annual Haitian Book Day for the Haitian
Book Centre at Casegha & York College, CUNY, NY. 2005-2012
CEO and Director of the Haitian Book Centre. 2001-present.
Freelance Translation and Copywriting
in English, French and Haitian Creole for The Social Science Research Council (SSRC),
The New York State Board Of Education, Western Suffolk Boces, Cs Tech Inc.,
Ralph Bunch Institute – Global Governance. 1996- Present
Masters of Philosophy, French, May 2009
Philosophy Doctorate – French, May 2018
The Graduate Center of CUNY, Ph.D. Program in French
Dissertation : Rhétorique du soi dans la littérature haïtienne du XXème siècle/ Rhetoric of the Self in Twentieth Century Haitian Literature.
Committee: Francesca Canadé-Sautman (Director), Lucienne Serrano, Vincent Crappanzano
Minor in French, 2004, York College, CUNY
Certificate in Linguistics, 1984, Center for Linguistics, State University of Haiti
BS in Pharmacy, 1982, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, State University of Haiti
“Les Accords [retrouvés et] perdus de Roger Dorsinville”, Haiti and Africa: Unearthing and Exploring the Roots, Connections, and Possibilities, CUNY Haitian Studies Institute @ Brooklyn College May, 12-13 2023.
“L’impossible absolu du Corps [noir] de Jean-Claude Charles”, Représentations du corps”, Colloque international, March 17-18 , 2023, The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
“Haiti en toutes lettres: Ecriture d’une histoire inachevée?”, to be delivered at Middlebury College, August 11, 2022 (Invited Talk)
“Non-Marvelous Realism in Chronique d’un faux amour of Jacques Stephen Alexis”, panelist, Jacques Stephen Alexis at 100: The Novelist as Revolutionary, The CUNY Haitian Studies Institute at Brooklyn College, CUNY, April 22, 2022 (Invited Talk)
” The Black Self and the Colored Body in Haitian Francophone fiction: An Impossible Reconciliation? “, Panelist and moderator: Perspectives on Corporeality, The Henri Peyre French Institute and the Ph.D. Program in French at The Graduate Center of CUNY
November 19, 2021 (Invited Talk)
“Postmonolingual New York”, Panelist: Translating the Future, The Center of the Humanities & The Henri Peyre French Institute, The Graduate Center, CUNY, September 23, 2020 (Invited Talk)
“On the Black Body as Traded Object” presented at The Object Seminar: Breaking Boundaries, The Center of the Humanities & The Henri Peyre French Institute, The Graduate Center, CUNY, May 10, 2019 (Invited Talk)
“De l’en-soi au chez-soi : Géographie d’un identitaire haïtien chez Jean-Claude Charles, René Depestre et Emile Ollivier”, The Haitian Studies Association 30th Annual Conference, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, November 8-10, 2018
Co-panelist (with Stève Puig & Usha Rungoo) at AATF Pedagogy Panel: Francophonies plurielles / Francophonie “in and out”, American Association of Teachers of French, Purchase College, September 29, 2018
Co-moderator of the workshop ” Enracinerrance et Traduction ” at Blues Writing: Jean-Claude Charles and Modern Caribbean Literature, Winthrop-King Institute, Florida State University, March 22 – 24, 2018
” Haiti dans la critique littéraire franco-caribéenne: Réductionnisme et compactage historique ” presented at Haiti: Beyond Commemorations & Boundaries, University of Chicago, May 12-14, 2016
Panelist at “A Centennial Celebration of Marie Vieux Chauvet”, The Graduate Center, CUNY, March 4, 2016
” La langue objet-sujet dans la littérature haïtienne francophone : un trait de littérature mineure ? ” delivered at the colloquium Evidence of Linguistic Encounters, Languages in Contact : From Imprint to Ownership, University of Toronto, April 30 – May 1, 2015
“Mémoire de Femmes– Histoire d’Haïtiennes: Retrospective and Prospective Work on Haitian Women in Digital Humanities“, talk delivered at Duke University, NC, April 2014
“Négritude et Indigénisme : des voies exclusives ?“, delivered at the round table : A Centennial Celebration of Aimé Césaire, The Graduate Center, CUNY, October 2013