I unfortunately can’t participate in today’s synchronous session. I will however watch the recording. I am a bit confused on the licensing question. Does the podcast explicitly have a CC license? Or are Anchor’s […]
I think your suggestion of editing an existing page makes a lot of sense. I will think about that for future assignments. Generally, it might be beneficial for their learning experience for them to be […]
I love the idea of students using VT to introduce themselves in another language. Perhaps it could be useful for students to think about bet practices to learn Japanese, a language that for most […]
Thank you for your kind words about my post(s). I really enjoy the conversations happening here and I thin k this is a great space for reflection and exchange.
I think this assignment is great in many ways. Firstly, I found the instructor’s comment about the student writing their research papers usually just for us, as instructors, and not a larger p […]
I think that your question on locating the right material is important. I wonder though, if you could use open access materials and use apps in BB such as “perusal” to annotate text and to […]
I think, as we discussed in our session today. Such an assignment would have to be accompanied by very specific guidelines in order for students to know what to write and for whom. To think about the […]
I would be curious to talk more about the funding of aspect when we task students to design course materials. I really think that this is an important aspect that should be considered. While they are […]
1)PLATFORM: I would like to produce a podcast with my students as part of the THL fellowship that could be used as an OER resource in future courses. I have previously taken a masterclass for the […]
I picked Robin DeRosa’s My Open Textbook: Pedagogy and Practice. I am very impressed with the rigor, dedication, and perseverance that went into creating this student-led textbook. Like DeRosa, I s […]
Our students are very diverse and they respond to different learning methods and techniques in different ways. I think as learning facilitators we should have the skill to a) develop classes that are inclusive and […]
Our students are very diverse and they respond to different learning methods and techniques in different ways. I think as learning facilitators we should have the skill to a) develop classes that are inclusive and […]
Like you, I aj really keen on creating a classroom environment that is more stimulating and engaging by evolving the students directly in course design and knowledge production. Excited!
I really like your idea of a writing assignments that is eared toward critical examine global systems of law and putting students in the shoes of a legal scholar. To flip […]