This seminar exposed me to different technologies that I had some familiarity with, but I never thought about it in connection to my teaching or research. A few examples came from Tuckle’s Togehter Alone chapters […]
I could probably include a chapter from Turkle’s Alone Together for the Medicine, Mind, Body
cluster. What is particularly relevant is a) how technology can be an extension of the body and mind that can […]
One of the ideas that seems interesting is the evolution of technology- machines, first substituting the body, replacing to some extent the physical and the manual labor, then computers, substituting the mind, […]
I thought the Virtual Illusion part was interesting, from the beginning of the 16th Century in Northern Italy the artificial installation of the station of Christ’s life transport visitors to (a representation of) […]
I found it interesting that media refusal, Facebook refusal in particular is a source of pride. While I do have a Facebook account I have not been on it for several month, but I do like the potential it offers. […]
Always on
The chapter highlights out relationship with communication technologies and how many of us live our lives as if we are always on-call or on stand-by. Increasingly this seems to be what is expected […]