Faculty at LaGuardia Community College in the Social Science Department Affiliate Faculty at Graduate Center in the Environmental Psychology Sub-Program.
Environmental Competence, Moving Methodologies and Epistemologies (particularly running and walking), Being-in-the-world (処世)
2011 Philosophical Doctorate, Environmental Psychology, City University of New York
1999 Master of Arts, Psychology, Boston University
1996 Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Clark University
Imamichi, T. D. (2021). Being in the Era of Acceleration. International Review of Theoretical Psychologies, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.7146/irtp.v1i2.127761
Imamichi, T. (2021). Creativity in Crisis: a Journey into YouTube. Human Arenas, 4, 379–390.
Imamichi, T. (2019). Ma as a missing piece of being-in-the-world. In K. Murakami (Ed.), The ethos of theorizing. Concord: Captus Press.
Imamichi, T. (2019). Walking with my mother: The world perceived with an elderly. Human Arenas, 2, 282-90Imamichi, T. (2017). アメリカの大学事情 (The state of higher education in the USA). Shakaikyōiku (Social Education), 12, 42-4.
Imamichi, T. (2017). Book review: Stresserleben, Emotionen und Coping in Guangzhou, China: Mensch-Umwelt-Transaktionen aus Geographischer und Psychologischer Perspektive (Stress experiences, emotions and coping in Guangzhou, China: Person-environment-transactions from a geographical and psychological perspective), Anna Lena Bercht. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart (2013). Emotion, Space and Society, 24, 21-22.
Imamichi, T. (2014). The world experienced through a stroller. Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology. 25, 2, 4-5.
Imamichi, T. (2014). Environment. In T. Teo (Ed.) Encyclopedia of critical psychology. New York: Springer. 582-87Imamichi, T. (2012). The Garbage Project. In C. Zimring and W.Rathje (Eds.) Encyclopedia of consumption and waste. Thousand Oaks: Sage. 304-307
Wapner, S.; Fujimoto, J.; Imamichi, T.; Inoue, Y.; Toews, K. (1997). Sojourn in a new culture: Japanese students in American universities and American students in Japanese universities. In S. Wapner et al (Eds.) Handbook of Japan-US Environment-Behavior Research. New York: Plenum Press. 283-311.