Inayah Entzminger


Biochemistry and Biophysics, doctoral track level 2

Inayah is a doctoral student in the Biochemistry program, specializing in biophysics. They research the translation mechanism of the BYDV, an RNA virus affecting cereal grains, at Hunter College. Their career focus is in science writing and communication.


Adjunct Lecturer, Chemistry, Hunter College
Art of Science Communication Co-Facilitator, American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, *Non-CUNY

Academic Interests

Science Communication, Science Writing, Translation, Virology, Protein-RNA Interactions


The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Ph.D. in Biochemistry, expected May 2024
Molecular Biophysics Track
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
B.S. in Biochemistry, minor in Philosophy, December 2018
Honors: Member of the UMBC Honors College