I am a PhD candidate in Earth and Environmental Science at The Graduate Center, City University of New York. Since 2015 I joined rock deformation lab at Brown University, Department of Geological Science as a visiting scholar. My research focus is on studying the lower crustal rocks below major seismically active faults, using experiments at high pressure and temperature. The overall contribution of my research is to advance the understanding of earthquakes mechanism and recurrence.
– Experimental Rock Deformation and Rock Mechanics.
– CO2 Sequestration in Depleted Oil and Gas Rreservoirs
– Pore Pressure Prediction.
– Geostatstics and its Application in Petroleum Geology
-Time Series Analysis and Seismic Signal Processing
-Investigating the Effects of Noise on Seismic Data
Brown University, Visiting Scholar (2015-Present)
City University of New York (CUNY), The Graduate Center, Ph.D. Candidate, Earth and Environmental Science (2013-Present) Thesis adviser: Dr. Steven Kidder, Thesis title: The Microstructural Evolution of Quartzite During Gradually Increasing Stress.
City University of New York (CUNY), The Graduate Center, M.Phil. Earth and Environmental Science (2013-2016)
University of Tehran, Iran, M.Sc., Geophysics (2007-2010), Thesis adviser: Dr. Mohammad A. Riahi. Thesis title: Pore Pressure Prediction Using Seismic Inversion and Velocity Analysis.
Azad University, Iran, B.Eng., Mining Engineering (2002-2007), Senior
thesis title: Efficiency Analysis of Drill Bits Geometry. A Case study in South-
West Evaporates Formations of Iran.
Cranganu, C., and H. Soleymani, Carbon Dioxide Sealing Capacity: Textural or
Compositional Controls? A Case Study From the Oklahoma Panhandle. Environmental
Geosciences 22.2 (2015): 57-74
Soleymani, H., C. Cranganu, S. Azad, and K. Watson, Carbon Dioxide Sealing
Capacity: Textural or Compositional Controls?, Technical Report, National Energy
Technology Laboratory, United States: N. p., 2013. Web. doi:10.2172/1133113.
Soleymani, H., and M.A. Riahi, Velocity Based Pore Pressure Prediction-A Case
Study at One of the Iranian Southwest Oil Fields. Journal of Petroleum Science
and Engineering. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 94 (2012): 40-46.
Soleymani, H., and S. Seyedali, Pore Pressure Prediction Using Velocity-Based
Methods. In Cranganu, Constantin, ed. Natural Gas and Petroleum: Production
Strategies, Environmental Implications, and Future Challenges. (Vol. 1, pp. 165-
180). New York: Nova Science Pub Inc (2013)
Applied Calculus and Matrix Algebra, Baruch College