I chose this course bulletin because I feel it gives an interesting glimpse at college life and how one found out about and applied to courses in the days before internet or computers. Nowadays we do everything […]
My Google siteFor my final assignment in this class I was assigned to create my own website using Google Sites, the link to which you will find below. […]
HTML page editedI recently made some modifications to my HTML class. The hardest part, I think, was adding the image; it was VERY hard to figure out how […]
HTML page fixed!As you may be aware, my last link for my HTML page was having some issues. This must have been because I was using agilityhoster, which […]
My first HTML page! Hello all, For my next assignment, I have been made to create a very basic webpage using html: You will find the link attached here. […]
Second videoThis week I was assigned to create a second video using the first video I had made. I cut the video down to an abridged, one-minute version made up of four 15-second clips of the full video; Both videos can be viewed below.
My first videoMy most recent assignment for this class was to post a 2-5 minute video on either YouTube or Vimeo. I decided to use Vimeo merely because […]
Edited photo assignment I am posting this because I had to edit a photo for an assignment. I was given a photo of a cutting board and some vegetables […]
Facebook photo galleryAbove is a link to a photo gallery I had to make for a class assignment. I chose to upload a number of photos I took throughout my time at […]
Surveys are open!Hello everyone! I am making this post because I have just created two different surveys as part of an assignment for the same class I […]