I see that A Raisin in the Sun shows a poor family’s dreams exposed to racism for several generations. The author shows this poverty through the place they live in; it is a poor and old neighborhood. The fir […]
I agree with you, The story depicts the violent aspects of injustice and enslavement. And the consequences of it, that it is possible that humans enter into endless cycle of killing.
At the end of the story, I see that author Herman Melville shows some of what was happening in the past in America. This means that whatever happened in the past is worse, because stories do not always fully […]
When I started writing a few years ago, I found that it is difficult to be the narrator of a story because you are the one who creates heroes, places, and stories from your imagination. It is hard to […]
In chapter 5, the author talks about poetry and rhetorics. Poetry tends to be more persuasive while rhetorics tends to be a more imitated alternative. In “The sea is history” by Derek Walcott, the beginni […]
Hello, I think that leaving the ends ambiguous makes the literary work more fun and interesting. Also, when the readers understand meanings other than what authors think, that gives the literary work more value as […]
I see that the most interesting idea in this chapter is the part that relates to “language and thought.” As Culler says that there is a theory that says “language expresses the existing ideas by providi […]
I agree with you. Fiction literature gives us the chance to interpret events according to our imaginations and not all readers has the same imagine which makes the readers and writers in touch although they are different.
I think that the most interesting angle about the nature of literature is “literature as fiction” because it explores human conditions as a whole and it wants to understand the world around us. This part o […]
You are right, it is hard to define literature because it has many different forms and varies according to what people prefer, and How they decide that this text should be literary and others not?
1. Culler defines literature in many ways. After reading Culler’s “What is literature and does it matter?”, what stuck out with me the most was Culler stating that “ works of literature come in all shapes […]
Hello everyone! Nice to meet all of you. My name is Hagar Seddik. I have been living in New York since 2019 with my husband. Our families live in Egypt where we are from. Also, I finished my high school in E […]