Historian of public health, sexuality, visual culture, gender, and race. “Taking the Venereal out of Venereal Disease: The Public Health Campaign Against Syphilis, 1934-1945” (PhD Dissertation)
The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY (current)
Ph.D., History (February 2015), M. Phil., History (February 2012)
Major: US History, Minor: Modern European History
Advisor: Gerald Markowitz
Beloit College, Beloit, WI (2007)
B.A., History, Art History
Research Interests
Dissertation: Taking the Venereal out of Venereal Disease: The Public Health Campaign against Syphilis and the Cultural Meanings of VD, 1934-1945
Other: [Health] and [medicine] during the [New Deal]; [history] of [public health], [gender], [race], and [sexuality]; depictions of health and disease in [visual culture]; social history of [advertising]; history of [prostitution] and [venereal disease] in the [United States] and [Europe]; [New Deal] politics and [1930s culture]; [race], [civil rights], and medicine.
Teaching Interests
[US History], social and cultural history, [women’s and gender history],
history of [public health] and [medicine], US [visual culture], the [New Deal],
World Wars, [civil rights].
Adjunct Lecturer, Queens College, Departments of Women & Gender Studies, History (2013-current)
History of the Family in the United States (1 section, enrollment 25)
Upper-level elective history course covering the colonial period through the present.
Introduction to Women’s Studies (6 sections, enrollment 25)
course for women’s studies majors and minors. Content is a general
survey of US women’s history from the 17th to the 20th centuries.
Writing intensive.
US Women’s History, 1880 to Present (2 section, enrollment 12)
upper-level history course required for history majors with a
concentration in women & gender or an elective for other
concentrations. Elective for graduate students in the masters program for
adolescent social studies education.
Science, Culture, and Public Health (1 section, enrollment 22)
College writing course focused on helping students master the conventions of history writing. Readings and assignments are related to themes in the history of US public health. College writing 1 prerequisite, no history prerequisites. Recommended for history majors.
Venereal Disease Visual History Archive, http://vdarchive.newmedialab.cuny.edu/ (ongoing)
Digital archive project compiling visual culture materials related to VD. In cooperation with the CUNY New Media Lab.
Medicine, Morality, & Microbes: Sex Ed, Public Health, STI Control, and Adolescents in US History
New York Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, New York, NY (June 2015)
Prostitution, Prophylaxis, and Pick-ups: Venereal Disease Control during WWII
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, New Orleans, LA (April 2015)
Digital Additions & Transformations: Venereal Disease Visual History Archive
Graduate Student Conference, The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY (March 2015)
CUNY New Media Lab Public Health and History Award (GC, 2014)
History Department Election Committee (GC, 2013-2014)