Claire Cahen , Erin Lilli & Susan Saegert (2020): Ethical action in the age of austerity: cases of care in two community land trusts, Housing Studies, DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2020.1807472
Graphics credited in: Low, Setha M., Spatializing Culture. Routledge: New York. 2016
Graphics credited in: Williams, Julia., Complex Housing: Designing for Density: Routledge. 2017
Conference Proceedings
Robinson, J.W., H.C. Karlberg, E Lilli & A Lukes. 2010. “Increasing Density, Diversity and Delight: Stacked Housing in the Netherlands,” paper presented at the International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS) Conference, Leipzig, Germany. (credited with graphics)
Robinson, J.W., H.C. Karlberg, E. Lilli & A. Lukes. 2010. “Dutch Housing: Playing with Typology to Generate New Forms” invited presentation for Symposium “Place Types I: Making and Unmaking the World” Environmental Design Research Conference (EDRA 41), Washington. (credited with graphics)