Thanks, Prof. Mellone. Your comments were forwarded to our developer, and he’s working on a solution. Providing feedback for missing results is definitely an important usability issue.
Regarding your first question, the Upper Midwest (Minnesota and Wisconsin) was once regarded as the heart of American Labor Socialism. Although remnants of that tradition remain (for example, the residents of […]
As part of our ongoing experiments in visualization, I recently rebuilt a personal website using Omeka (or more specifically what they’re now calling “Omeka Classic”), a lightweight web publishing platform for […]
One of the initial project goals was to provide a means for examining the text using keywords, or more specifically a variation on the tools designed for “keywords in context” (KWIC). This technique involves […]
Another possibility for visualizing relationships between texts is to consider how similar the combinations of related terms among them can be. To accomplish this, experiments were conducted generating network […]
The initial data corpus for this project is composed of twenty-five files, formatted using UTF-8 (8-bit Unicode) character encoding as both plain text and XHTML. These were produced using materials hosted by the […]