Blog Post #4For this assignment, I’m going to choose my mom. She was born in Palestine and came to America when she was 19. She has to learn from m […]
I had a similar approach to what you said and I agree. You had a good explanation of what sense and reference means. I like how you brought up the color “green” and when explaining green. When it comes to […]
What I found interesting in the reading, is sense and reference. I find these two very important in semantics because it helps you understand the meaning of linguistic expressions. Generally, sense means the […]
What I found interesting in the reading, is sense and reference. I find these two very important in semantics because it helps you understand the meaning of linguistic expressions. Generally, sense means the […]
I’d like you to apply this to your own experiences. Reflect on your own life or the life of anyone you know. When you were learning your first language, were there any particular speech sounds that you had t […]
The reason why Linguists favor descriptivism over prescriptivism is because there’s many requirements/rules to follow with prescriptivism rather than descriptivism. For example the word “funner” most people d […]
In the early days of language and modern humans, things were different compared to the abundance of languages spoken today. Back in the early days language was much simpler, and our ancestors had spoken with such […]
What I hope to learn in this class is to learn how to be a better writer and reader. When I read a text I want to be able to understand the text and not have to read it 5 times to understand the reading.