Hello lovelies. I landed upon this page on African-American folk artists this week and while I have not fully immersed in all of it…it’s a very rich page on a very rich site, I had to share it before class!
Hi all…here are a few things I have been playing with, trying to feel more comfortable with experimenting with the kids’ words and some images along with my own ideas and layers…
Sending you lots of love and grace this week, my friend. Sigh…it is always hard to balance the agency kids have with the extra vulnerability they face as members of a marginalized group who are not always seen […]
What I love about revisiting well-loved works is how we see and experience the piece differently based on the new moment of passing we are in. In keeping with the idea of audiencing, I also realized that the […]
Hello all! I am looking forward to seeing you all today! It just hit me that I never posted my art pieces to the group…so here they are and here are more that are capturing my attention right now!
In thinking about Victoria’s work (work sounds too small to encompass what she has created/experiences/put forth) I kept coming back to the ideas of collage and assemblage and how they can be used to honor the […]
This week’s readings brought up so many emotions that seemed to conflict with each other…I found myself nodding my head in agreement and then sitting in discomfort with a phrase I found unsettling. I think […]
A couple of ideas that have been meandering through my mind in relationship to next week’s class (and life, in general, really) are those of “with-ness” and messiness.