Carolyn Stallard


Musician | Educator | Athlete | Volunteer

Adjunct Instructor – Brooklyn College | Steering Committee Member – CUNY Games Network | Freelance Musician/Instructor | Committee Member – Prospect Park Women’s Softball League

Research interests: Game-based/playful learning, music and d/Deafness, music and video games, sea chanteys, jazz history, percussion education/performance, scholarship of teaching and learning

Academic Interests

Music education, music and d/Deafness, percussion, jazz history, sea chanteys, music of Quebec, music and video games, refugee advocacy, experiential learning, instructional design, service learning, game-based/playful learning, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)


B.S. Music Education; The College of Saint Rose (Spring 2011)
M.Phil Music/Ethnomusicology; The Graduate Center, CUNY (Spring 2020)
M.A. Music; The Graduate Center, CUNY (June 2021)


Stallard, Carolyn. 2015. “The Vibraphone: Past, Present, and Future.” Percussive Notes.  Vol. 53, No. 3.

Conference Presentations

“Choice-Based Learning: Increasing Student Agency, Not Instructor Burnout.” January 2023. Presentation for “Pedagogy In Practice,” run by Brooklyn College’s Center for Teaching and Learning.

“Fanwood’s Deaf Marching Band: Achievement and Enfreakment.” March 2018
30-min paper presentation at the Society for American Music 2018 conference.

CUNY Games Festival 4.0: The Interactive Course. Jan. 2018

  • Co-planned the conference as a member of the CUNY Games Network steering committee, presented one workshop:
  • “The Course Awakens: Moving Beyond Gamification.” 30-min interactive presentation.


Adjunct Instructor (2015-Present), Music, Brooklyn College
Instructional Designer (2020-2023), Center For Practice, Technology, & Innovation (CPTI), Guttman Community College
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Fellow (2022), CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy, CUNY Central