The community I work with are students with brain-based injuries and disorders. Often, these students are non-ambulatory, have cognitive delays, some are unable to use words to communicate, many are fed through a […]
I loved reading your post. I really agree with you that we need to not only use our intuition and experiences to help us make our decisions and interventions. At the end of the day, we want to do what […]
I also wrote about how that Grand Challenge really spoke to me. I like that they included child maltreatment in this area, as it is a type of healthy relationship we as Social Workers need to […]
I loved your post. I personally agree that after COVID, the need for technology for all social good has definitely increased. So many individuals struggled with an internet connection, even […]
After reviewing the website, the Grand Challenges that stuck out to me were “Build healthy relationships to end violence” as I have always wanted to be an advocate […]