I am sorry for your loss, Susan, and I thank you for sharing this intimate and poignant reflection with us. I am struck by your assertion that “[w]riting, and creating, in other words, can allow us to understand […]
We’re all juggling so much this semester: As we’re learning all these new platforms, we’re finding new ways to use them to advance the pedagogical goals we bring to our classes, now and forever.
We’re working on a lot of materials to support our collective transition to teaching fully online. Some are up now, and others will appear in these locations in the days to come:
We’re making plans for teaching First Year Writing in the fall, but every plan we make raises at least as many questions as it answers. We’ll keep you informed every step of the way here (updated on July 7).
As of late April, we’re preparing to teach our fall classes in a *hybrid* format. That’s to say, we’re planning to teach partially online but also with some face-to-face meetings. We’re devising these plans under […]
I hope this email finds you well in this stressful time! As promised, we have created a LibGuide for library instruction for English 110: https://qc-cuny.libguides.com/english110. This will also b […]
As you create your English 110 syllabus for Fall 2019, use the Library Workshops Schedule to include your assigned workshop date and location into your course schedule. This is a change from how this has t […]