Cecelia Cutler


I’m a sociolinguist (PhD 2002, NYU) and my main research interests center on language and identity.

I am currently serving as the Executive Officer of the MA/PhD program in Linguistics at the CUNY Graduate Center. My primary appointment is at Lehman College. I am also on faculty the Latin American, Iberian and Latino Cultures (LAILAC) Program. I supervise MA and PhD students and teach sociolinguistics courses.(Introduction to Sociolinguistics, Language and Identity, The sociolinguistics of Computer Mediated Communication, and Discourse Analysis).



212-817-8501 ยท [email protected]

Academic Interests

I am interested in [sociolinguistics, language and identity, second language learning, language stylization, and language attitudes]


B.A., Barnard College, German, 1987

M.Ed. Social Studies Education, NYU, 1992

M.A., Linguistics, NYU, 1999

Ph.D., NYU, Linguistics, 2002


Professor, MSED TESOL/Bilingual Program, Middle & High School Education, Lehman College
Affiliated Faculty Member, LAILAC, CUNY Graduate Center
Affiliated Faculty Member, Linguistics, CUNY Graduate Center
Affiliated Faculty Member, University of Oslo Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan, *Non-CUNY