environmental health teaching stable isotope geochemistry heavy metal geochemistry public health
C.Drayer, 2013, The Role of the Safety Officer in the Incident Command SystemSEHSA Fall Conference October 22, 2013 Ellenville, New YorkC.Drayer, 2012, The Application of Social Interactive Information Technology Innovations to Hazard CommunicationCUNY Council of Environmental Health and Safety Directors April 12, 2012 Bronx, New YorkNIOSH NYNJERC April 25, 2012 Newark, New JerseySEHSA Spring Conference April 3, 2012 Albany, New YorkP. Swart, W. Anderson, M. Altabet, C. Drayer, and S. Bellmund, Sources of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in a coastallagoon adjacent to a major metropolitan area, Miami Florida (USA) Journal of Applied Geochemistry 2013T. Carsey, H Casanova, C Drayer, C Featherstone, C Fischer, K Goodwin, J Proni, A Saied, C Sinigalliano, J Stamates, PSwart, and J-Z Zhang FACE Outfalls Survey Cruise—October 6-19, 2006 NOAA Technical Report, 2010.Proni, J., M. Adler, N. Amornthammarong, J. Bishop, F. Bloetscher, T. Carsey, J. Craynock, S. Cummings, P. Dammann,C. Drayer, C. Featherstone, D. Meerhoff, K. Goodwin, E. Peltola, D. Pierrot, C. Sinigalliano, P. Swart, J. Stamates, K.Sullivan, R. Wanninkhof, J.-Z. Zhang. Final Report: An Investigation of the South Central Regional WastewaterTreatment Plant Ocean Outfall and Coastal Environment, January 2009.C. Drayer, Q. Devlin, D. Katz, P. Swart, S. Evans, 2008, Epiphyte Density and Diversity on Halimeda incrassata and theEffect on Bulk Isotopic Measurements, EOS Trans AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract: PP43A-1508C. Drayer, P. Swart, M. Altabet, W. Anderson, K. Lamb, S. Evans, M. Sanchez and S. Bellmund, 2008, 15NitrogenCycling in Biscayne Bay, Florida, ASLO, Ocean Sciences 2008, Abstract ID: 1980A.D. Rosenberg, P.K. Swart, G.P. Eberli, M.P. Grasmueck, C. Drayer, T.B.S. Correa, and J.K. Reed, 2008. GeochemicalFingerprints in Deep-water Corals and Sediments across the Straits of Florida. Comparative Sedimentology LaboratoryAnnual Review Meeting 2008.C. Drayer, K. Lamb, P. Swart, M. Altabet, W. Anderson, and S. Bellmund, 2006, Nitrogen Isotopic Study of BenthicMacroalgae and Seawater in Biscayne Bay, Florida, EOS Trans AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B13A-1056J. Nienstedt, C. Drayer, A. Lanzirotti, T. Rasbury, A. Celestian, and C. Forester, 2001, Incorporation of U and Th inPhosphatized Fossils, 2001 National Synchrotron Light Source Activity Report.http://www.pubs.bnl.gov/nsls01/pdf/section%206%20abstracts/nien478.pdf