This semester, we read the works of several Italian literary figures. Two figures that really stood out to me were Machiavelli and Boccaccio. It was very interesting reading “The Prince” and “The Decam […]
Chapter 16: Being Liberal
Machiavelli talks about being liberal, specifically with money. That a prince shouldn’t care about being mean when taking money from the people.
– Gianna, Carl
Reading Angela da Foligno’s steps of penance was very interesting to me. It was very different to our previous readings, as this one felt the closest to god. It was very spiritual, and […]
Lady Fortune and Her Wheel: Fortune is often depicted as a woman with a blindfold, spinning a wheel to represent the different outcomes and possibilities being chosen out of chance.
Sorry for doing the same canzone, I didn’t see it but, I thought your post was really good. I felt that you gave good analyzations of the stanzas, and you brought up some interesting points that I didn’t think of, […]
In the canzoniere, we get to see the state of Petrarch’s mind many times, but there’s one metaphor for his state of mind that stands out to me. Canzone 189 portrays Petrarch’s state of mind as a ship at sea. The […]