My work explores the psychological dimension of social and cultural processes such as peace, conflict, non/violence, inclusion, imagination, collective memory, and education. Methodologically, I specialize in participatory action research, as well as qualitative, mixed, and digital methods. My research and program evaluation also focuses on the topics of youth and marginality, family and incarceration, immigration and multiculturalism, among others.
2007-2013. Ph.D Program in Social/Personality Psychology, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
2002-2006. Psychology and Neuroscience, Macalester College, Saint Paul, Estados Unidos.
2000-2002. Lester B. Pearson, United World College of the Pacific, Victoria, Canadá.
1987-2000. Colegio La Maisonnette, Vitacura, Santiago de Chile.
Muñoz Proto, C. & Opotow, S. (2012). Justice, activity, and narrative: Studying the World March. In Psychological Contributions to Sustainable Peace. (pp. 177-196). M. Deutsch & P. Coleman (Eds.). New York: Springer.
Muñoz Proto, C. (2012). In search of critical knowledge: Tracing inheritance in the landscape of incarceration. In Steinberg, S. and Canella, G. (Eds.). Critical Qualitative Research Reader. (pp.479-490). New York: Peter Lang.
Muñoz Proto, C., Devoto Lyon, A., Villar Castillo, C. & Battistella, M. (en imprenta). Memoscopio: Producing usable and collectively owned knowledge about the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. Journal of Social Issues 64(9).
Muñoz Proto, C. (en imprenta). Nonviolence. In T. Theo (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology). New York, NY: Springer.
Muñoz Proto, C. (en imprenta). My eyes were shut: Testimonies of peace at a former torture center. In Divided symbols in post-conflict settings. R. Phillips DeZalia & S. Moeschberger (Eds.). New York: Springer.
Zeller-Berkman, S., Torre, M. & Muñoz Proto, C. (en imprenta). Critical participatory action research and community based organizations. Afterschool Matters Journal.
Hunter College Psychology Department, City University of New York.
– Fall 2013. Personality Psychology: Dispositional, Intrapsychic, and Socio-Cultural Domains. Two sections, seminar with 15 students and lecture with100 students.
-Summer 2013. Personality Psychology: Dispositional, Intrapsychic, and Socio-Cultural Domains. Two sections, 15 student seminars.
– Spring 2011. Personality Psychology: The Science of the Person. Lecture with100 students.
– Fall 2010. Personality Psychology: Foundational Theories (TA). Lecture with100 students.
– Spring 2010. Introduction to Psychology.Lecture with100 students.
– Fall 2009. Introduction to Psychology.Lecture with100 students.
Lehman College Department of Psychology, City University of New York.
– Spring 2009. General Psychology. Two sections of 30 students.
– Fall 2008. General Psychology. Two sections of 30 students.
2012. Ph.D. Candidate in Psychology, Social/Personality Psychology Program. The Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Dissertation: “When I Heard About the March:” Testimonies and Archives in Peacebuilding.’
Requisitos del grado de Doctor habrán sido completados en diciembre de 2013.
2012. Master of Philosophy in Psychology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Focus: Justicia, actividad y narrativas en la psicología de la paz sostenible.
2011. Master of Arts in Psychology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Thesis: ‘In Search of Critical Knowledge: Tracing Inheritance in the Landscape of Incarceration.’
2006. Bachelor of Arts (Magda Cum Laude) in Psychology and Neuroscience, Macalester College, Saint Paul, MN.
Honors project‘Multiculturalism, Participation, and Mentoring: A Road to Cross-Cultural Alliances?’
Neuroscience capstone: ‘The Antinociceptive Effect of a Total Alkaloid Extract of Datura Innoxia (Solanaceae) on the Tail-Flick Pain Paradigm on Rats: A Dose Study.’
2013 Digital Dissertation Award, New Media Lab of the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
2012 Dissertation Award, Social/Personality Psychology Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
2012 The Young Scholars and Researchers Award. Peace Islands Institute, New York City.
2012 Inequalities Fellowship, Advanced Research Collaborative, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
2011-2012 Mellon Doctoral Globalization Fellowship, Committee on Globalization and Social Change, The Graduate Center, City University of New York. Programa: ‘Solidarities: Politics and y Ethics in a Global Era.’
2007-2012 Enhanced Chancellor’s Fellowship, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
2002-2006 Kofi Anan Scholarship, Macalester College.
2000-2002 Full Scholarship, Chilean Representative. Lester B. Pearson, United World College of the Pacific.
Applied Social Issues, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Washington, D.C.
Proyecto: ‘Memoscopio: Kaleidoscopic Stories, Memories and Imaginations of Peace and Nonviolence.’ (Junio de 2010 a junio de 2011.)
Phillips Project, The Stephen Phillips Memorial Fund, Minneapolis. Proyecto: ‘Cross-cultural Mentoring for East African Refugee Youth.’ (Sept. de 2004 a mayo de 2006.)
May 2013-present. Program Evaluation Consultant for ACES Program ‘A Chance at Entrepreneurial Success,’ Weschester County, New York
Jan-Sept 2007. Freelance translator Hew Media y Puente Gestión Cultural. Santiago de Chile.
Jan-sept 2007. Instructor, English Alive, Santiago de Chile.
Jul-Nov. 2006. Education Consultant. , ‘Youth Theater and Leadership Program’, Pangea World Theater, Education and Outreach Program. Minneapolis, MN.
Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence, Division 48 of the American Psychological Association.
American Sociological Association.
American Psychological Association.
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Division 9 of the American Psychological Association.
Co-organizer, ‘Forum on North American Regionalization.’ Hunter College School of Social Work, City University of New York. (Nov. 2007)
Invited Panelist, ‘South America Today Series.’ Latin American Resource Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Oct. 2006)
Co-creator, ‘Momentum’ by Pangea World Theater. 11th Women’s Day Celebration, University Of Minnesota, Minneapolis. (March 2006)
Co-organizer, The Twin Cities Community Roundtable, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. (Nov. 2005)
Co-organizer, The University/Community Get Together, Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota. (March 2005)
2012-present. Executive Committee Member and Internet Editor, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence, Division 48 of the American Psychological Association.
2010-2012. Student Representative, Executive Committee of the Social/Personality Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
2008-2010. Student Representative, Curriculum Committee of the Social/Personality Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
Jan-Sept. 2012. Assistant to the Academic Committee for the Inequalities Multidisciplinary Seminar, Advanced Research Collaborative, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
2011-2013. Facilitator, Annual Summer Institute in Critical Participatory Action Research and Design. Public Science, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
Muñoz Proto, C. ‘Constructing Validity in Visual Research: Working with a Digital Archive.’ Paper presented at the Society of Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, November 14-15, 2013.
Muñoz Proto, C. ‘The ‘Universal Human Nation’: An Ideal Moral Community in Peace Activism.’ Paper presentado en la ‘15th Biannual Conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology (ISTP): Dialogue in the Making of Psychology.’ Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago de Chile. May 3-5 2013.
Nishida, A., Zeller-Berkman, Halcovic, A. & Muñoz Proto, C. ‘Theorizing change with social movements.’ Discusión Interactiva en la ‘15th Biannual Conference of the International Society for Theoretical psychology (ISTP): Dialogue in the Making of Psychology.’ Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago de Chile. May 3-5 2013.
Devoto, A. & Muñoz Proto, C. Miradas feministas y humanistas en la educación por la paz. Paper presentado en el Segundo Congreso de Género y Formación Humana Integral, Universidad de la Serena, La Serena, Chile. April 12-13 2013.
Zeller-Berkman, S., Muñoz Proto, C. & Keiko Matsuura. ‘Between Dreams and Betrayals: Reflections on a participatory study of student movements.’ Discusión Interactiva en ‘Changing Societies, 9th Biennal Conference of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues,’ Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. June 23-27 2012.
Muñoz Proto, C. ‘New media, participatory action research, and the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. Paper presentado en el ‘8th International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry,’ University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, United States. May 16-19 2012.
Muñoz Proto, C. & Opotow, S. ‘Justice, activity, and narrative: Studying the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.’ Paper presentado en ‘the IX Annual Social Theory Forum,’ University of Massachusetts, Boston, United States. April 18-19 2012.
Muñoz Proto, C. ‘I want to be like my father: A critical analysis of inherited criminality.’ Paper presentado en ‘the Annual Common Session of the Common Study Programme in Critical Criminology: A New Criminology for the 21st Century,’ New York City, United States. November 21-24 2010.
Muñoz Proto, C. The use of New Media in the production of usable knowledge about global nonviolence activism. Paper presentado en ‘Technology as Method/Method as Technology Conference,’ The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, United States. November 5 2010.
Muñoz Proto, C. ‘The intergenerational meanings of post-prison college in light of the challenge mass incarceration and educational dispossession.’ Paper presentado en ‘Making Opportunity Real: A Conference in Honor of Dr. Roscoe C. Brown Jr.,’ The Graduate Center of the City University. Oct 1st 2010.
Muñoz Proto, C. & Devoto Lyon, A. ‘Memoscopio Project: Impact validity and the production of relevant knowledge about the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.’ Paper presentado en ‘the 8th Biennial Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Convention,’ New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. June 24-27 2010.
2011-present . Co-researcher, ‘Civic Participation Among CUNY Students.’ Public Science Project for Participatory Action Research and Design, CUNY. Funding from Research Foundation.
2010-present. Principal Investigator, ‘Memoscopio Digital Archive.’ CUNY New Media Lab, The American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning, CUNY.
Oct. 2012. Translation Consultant, ‘Morris Justice Project: Stop and Frisk in the South Bronx,’ Public Science Project for Participatory Action Research and Design, The Graduate Center, CUNY.
2012. Researcher, ‘Impact of Participatory Action Research and Design Training on After-School Youth Programs,’ Public Science Project for Participatory Research and Design, The Graduate Center, CUNY,. Funding from Robert Bowne Foundation (Edmund A. Stanley, Jr. Research Grants).
May 2012. Interviewer, ‘Occupy Wall Street Research Project,’ Murphy Institute for Worker Education and Labor Studies and Sociology Program, CUNY.
2009- 2011. Principal Investigator. ‘Kaleidoscopic Memories and Imaginations of Peace and Nonviolence,’ Funding from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.
2009. Investigadora Asociada, ‘Rebuilding Urban Communities and Families Through Higher Education: The Economic, Educational and Civic Impact of Post-Prison College on Adults and Their Children.’ Graduate Center, CUNY and The College Initiative in collaboration with the Annenberg Institute for School Reform, Brown University and the New York State Department of Corrections. Funding from the Ford Foundation.
2008-2009. Focus Group Consultant, ‘Polling Youth for Health, Education and Justice Project.’ del Social/Personality Psychology Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY,
Feb.-March 2008. Consultant/Researcher. ‘New York City Women Living in Poverty,’ Women of Color Policy Network at the Wagner School of Public Service, New York University, funding from New York Women’s Foundation.