Online forum for discussing LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable programming and other scholcomm issues. Co-chairs, 2024-25: Monica Berger (City Tech) & Jill Cirasella (Graduate Center) Logo image by […]
Online forum for discussing LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable programming and other scholcomm issues. Co-chairs, 2024-25: Monica Berger (City Tech) & Jill Cirasella (Graduate Center) Logo image by […]
A group devoted to making education open, accessible, and public through the use of open-source tools and non-proprietary software platforms. Group avatar by akashgoyal
The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (CUNY DHI), launched in Fall 2010, aims to build connections and community among those at CUNY who are applying digital technologies to scholarship and pedagogy in the […]
A group for CUNY faculty, staff, and graduate students interested in open access publishing for scholarly communication, open educational resources, and open teaching and scholarship. Group avatar includes the […]
The Futures Initiative aims to advance greater equity and innovation in higher education. Housed at the Graduate Center and reaching throughout the CUNY community, the Futures Initiative empowers the next […]
LACUNY Privacy Roundtable
The LACUNY Emerging Technologies Committee is dedicated to collaborative exploration of technologies that further the CUNY libraries' missions. Through workshops, hack days, demoes, and other meetings, CUNY […]
The Junior Faculty Roundtable (JFRR) is a forum for untenured CUNY library faculty to discuss their ideas and concerns as they work towards tenure and promotion. Topics covered include: the research and publication […]
The Internet Research Team is a student-led group of scholars interested in exploring, discussing, and using online and digital research methods. The group also includes faculty and staff and meets regularly […]
A place to list, discuss, understand, discover workarounds and hopefully resolve problems encountered with CUNY 1st implementation and deployment.
A group for the Digital Praxis Seminar Class at the CUNY Graduate Center, Fall 2013 - Spring 2014
A group and site for the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program's Core 1 Seminar.
In this introductory seminar, we will consider changing concepts of childhood and adolescence from a variety of cultures and historical periods. What do we mean by “childhood” or “adolescence” and what is at stak […]
This second core course will introduce students to IT in the classroom, focusing on cognition and design. Interest areas include research in digital media; hypertext and narrative structure; visualization and […]