Waychoff, Brianne. “Bez Práce Nejsou Koláče.” Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 14.2 (2018).
Waychoff, Brianne. “When the Carnival Ends.” PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art. 37.3 (2015). 91-95.
Waychoff, Brianne. “Performance as Communication in Intersecting Inter-Disciplines.” Text and Performance Quarterly. 34.2 (2014). 209-11.
Waychoff, Brianne, and Kari-Anne Innes. “A Portrait of Experiments in Écriture Féminine.” Text and Performance Quarterly. 33.4 (2013). 380-402.
Waychoff, Brianne. “Leftovers: Performing Gleaning.” Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies 8.1 (2012).
Waychoff, Brianne. “Butoh: Metamorphic Dance and Global Alchemy.” Pacific Affairs 84.4 (2011).
Waychoff, Brianne. “The Anarcha Project Symposium.” Text and Performance Quarterly 30.4 (2010).
Waychoff, Brianne. “Butoh, Bodies, and Being.” Kaleidoscope: A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication Research Vol. 9 (2009). 37-54.