I am a Phd student advised by Dr. Jessica Rothman of the Nutritional Ecology Laboratory at Hunter College. I am interested in the use of plant physiology and plant-animal interactions for studying primate foraging behavior and tropical rainforest communities.
Lowry, B.E., Wittig, R.M., Pittermann, J., Oelze V.M. Stratigraphy of stable isotope ratios and leaf structure within an African rainforest canopy with implications for primate isotope ecology. Sci Rep 11, 14222 (2021). https://doi-org.oca.ucsc.edu/10.1038/s41598-021-93589-8
G.-A. Lee, Lowry B.E., Oelze V.M. In prep. Implications on Ancient Farming based on Isotope Values of Charred Crops from the Pyeonggeodong Site, South Korea.
B.S. in Plant Sciences from the University of California, Santa Cruz (2020)
University Honor, Cum Laude
Honors Undergraduate Thesis