1. I think defining the rich is interesting to think about. Because I believe that depending on who you approach with this question will have a different response. If you ask someone living in the US within the […]
1. The PowerPoint was very clear and simplified concepts mentioned in the reading. I find the question: Is Every Reduction in Inequality Good?, a very interesting one. I was intrigued to find out Milanovic’s r […]
1. Everything in the PowerPoint was very clear, I do feel like it helped clear up questions I had from the reading, which were mostly regarding the global pyramid and the Inequality Possibility Frontier. From what […]
1. What is the difference between Concepts 1 & 2 of inequality? It says that concept 1 is unweighted country population, so that every country counts. So how exactly is inequality measured with this concept? I was […]
1. The PowerPoint was super straight forward, it broke down important ideas from the reading that I already felt pretty comfortable with. As a visual leaner, I really appreciated seeing Kuznets’ inverted U curve b […]
1. In the PowerPoint, you mentioned the two different types of definitions for poverty. Which definition is considered the absolute poverty definition, and which one is the relative poverty definition? When […]
1. I agree with Atkinson in regard to the importance of inequality of outcome because people can start on the same level of the playing field, but the outcomes can be unpredictable no matter the equality of […]