Foreign policy is most important for the government. Foreign policy includes Diplomacy, Military and security policy, international human rights policies, economic policies and Environmental policy. Main […]
When we think about who is the most powerful individual in the world, without hesitation we know that the US president is the most powerful one. No other countries president holds as much power as the […]
Voting for presidency is the most common and very important political participation. To vote for a president we need to register for votes. Voting registration often is very easy. Some states offer same day […]
In the constitution article iii is where the judicial branch is stated. The purpose of the judicial branch is mainly to protect constitutional rights. The judicial branch can’t perform any political influence in […]
Third branch of the national govt is judiciary branch, which is the supreme court. The supreme court defends the constitution and peoples right. Supreme court also checks the congress and executive branch. The […]
As our nation is heated up with 2020 election is year, Covid 19 still spreading and taking lives all over the country. This years presidential election is very exciting one. After Joe Biden wins the election With […]
The president of the US is the most powerful person in the country. President also refer to as chief executive. The constitution gave president the power to control nations military. Over the years Presidents […]
When I picture The Legislative Branch as a whole, I find that the congress are the parent of the executive branch ( the president ). Its because congress very much influences the other two branches. Congress […]
The congress is the first of three branches of the govt. The framers of the constitution made congress the strongest of all. The congress also called the legislative branch. The job of legislative branch is to […]
Civil rights protects minority from majority. It is very important that we protect our civil rights. It’s the govt’s job to fulfill our civil rights. In the 1860’s civil right movement changed a lot of things. […]
The civil rights basically means equal protection for everyone disregarding peoples religion, race, ethnicity etc. Civil rights protects us from govt neglections. For minor and and marginalized groups of people […]
Civil liberties is for everyone whether someone is U.S citizen or not. Civil liberties are mainly freedom of the citizens. In the US constitution, first ten amendments of bill of rights protects our freedom. […]
US federalism means division of powers between states and national government. Basically it’s two different government, One is national government which can make treaties and trade with foreign […]
Hi class, My name is Arafat Amin. I am full-time student and part-time worker. This is my first semester of online course. I am kind of like in-person class better, but I guess Online […]