A private group for students and staff of the MS Program in Data Analysis and Visualization at The Graduate Center — http://www.gc.cuny.edu/datavis
A private group for students and staff of the MS Program in Data Analysis and Visualization at The Graduate Center — http://www.gc.cuny.edu/datavis
A private group for students and staff of the MA Program in Digital Humanities at The Graduate Center -- http://www.gc.cuny.edu/dh
The official group of the Net-Art Course here on the Commons. This course is open to all CUNY Faculty, Students, Alumni & Community Members. The Net-Art Course website - https://netart.commons.gc.cuny.edu/
A private group for students enrolled in DHUM 70000: Introduction to Digital Humanities at the CUNY Graduate Center during the Fall 2021 semester, taught by Prof. Matthew K. Gold
A group for students enrolled in DHUM / DATA 73000 in Fall 2021
Coursework for the Interactive Data Visualization course offered in the Fall of 2020. Taught by Ellie Frymire, curriculum organized in collaboration with Aucher Serr.